
Environments offer you different way to specify variables for your requests. Your default environment is placed in default.ini. This is a file in ini format using ExtendedInterpolation.

login: test@example.com
user_agent: Chrome/74.0.3729.169
timeout: 5

url: ${DEFAULT:url}/login
timeout: 10

url: ${DEFAULT:url}/admin

When you execute a request, the current environment file get parsed and passed in variable env to your request coroutine. This allows you to test your request against multiple environments, for example production and staging and observe if they behave the same.

You can change the environment that will be used with -e/--env switch. DBGR searches for environments in current working directory in .ini files. Name of the environment is the name of the file without suffix.

You can list all available environments with dbgr envs/dbgr e. With optional argument (dbgr e <name_of_environment>) it will list all variables defined in that environment.