
You can mark request to be cached. All subsequent calls of the same request will be suspended and the result will be taken from cache. This is useful for example when you work with API that requires sign-in. You usually want to call the authentication endpoint only once at the beginning and then just re-use cached value.

To enable caching call @request decorator with cache argument and type of cache you want to use for this request:

async def get_jwt(session, username, password:secret) -> secret:
    res = await'', data={
        'username': username,
        'password': password
    data = return await res.json()
    return data['jwt']
$ dbgr interactive
Dbgr interactive mode; press ^C to exit.
> get_jwt
< 200 OK
< Result (str):
> get_jwt
< Result (str, from cache):

There is only one supported cache type at this moment: session. This type stores the result in memory for the time the program is running. This is not very useful when you execute requests one by one. But in interactive mode, the value is cached until you terminate DBGR.


The cache key is constructed from the request and values of all arguments. If you call cached request with different arguments, it will get executed.

If you call dbgr.response() with cache=False while you already have a result in cache, the request will get executed and new value will be stored in cache.

async def list_comments(session):
    auth = await response('get_jwt', cache=False) # This will always result in HTTP call
    # ...